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Friday, December 31, 2010
happy 1st birthday to my sweet boogaboo
You are our most precious gift in this life! We love and feel very blessed to have you with us. Happy 1st b-day! Mama loves you with all of her heart!
Friday, December 10, 2010
X-MAS pics with cousins & pups

They were trooper though :)
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Halloween was a lot like the good ol' days this year since we had Broderick and his cousins with us and didn't feel so awkward knocking on doors and getting candy again. The weather was a bit horrible but we managed to go around the block and collect some goodies.
As for our costumes this year, we originally were gonna dress Broderick as Curious George and Mike was gonna be the man in the yellow hat but when Mike said that meant that i would have to be a big banana there was no way that was happening so we decided to dress up as a tigers this year. I painted Mikes face but luckily i found a mask so i didn't have to paint my own, it took Mike forever to take the face paint off. I don't think he'll let me paint his face next year :)
Friday, October 15, 2010

So i think my little monkey is really all about surprising us on special occasions. to start things off, he was born on new years eve. what a sweet surprise that was :)....then on Valentines day he decided to start smiling. On Mikes birthday, his first tooth shows up and now on Our 5th year wedding anniversary guess who started CRAWLING! Yep, finally!... and he sure put a stamp on it! I'm beginning to think its not all a big coincidence. this kids got some major talent up his sleeve! ;)
Thursday, October 7, 2010
9 Months

-he can go from laying on his tummy to sitting and also go from sitting to standing-unfortunately for this particular accomplishment it means a lot more goose eggs and teary eyes.
-he says "MAMA"!!! and i think he really is referring to me because he is always reaching out to me when he says it but i dont know if its too early for that.It might just be wishful thinking. Oh well, he can have me fooled, i dont mind :)
-he has perfected his army crawl but no real crawling yet. I'm beginning to think he is gonna skip the whole crawling phase and just start walking :( but who knows, he might be getting close
Although it can get hard at times, i love taking care of my little monkey and watching him grow before my eyes :)
Sunday, August 29, 2010
My little guy is 8 months! In only 4 months we will be celebrating his first birthday. Not to long ago that felt like long ways away.
We have kinda fallen behind on his monthly updates so I hope to cover Broderick's last three months as concisely as possible with this post...
By six months...
-our little monkey perfected his ability to sit. At 5 1/2 months he started out as a wiggle warm. He could hold himself up for a bit but would eventually topple over. By the time he turned 6 though, he got it down!
-he became more interactive and smiley with people. He was always curious as to what others around him were doing.
-He discovered a new game to play. if he was sitting on your lap with a toy in his hand he would drop it and start reaching for it. It was quite a work out for whoever was holding him since you had to carry him down so that he could pick up his toy. He then would smile and drop it again. He really could go on forever if it weren't for our sore arms :)
- He went on his first road trip. It was a short one up to Idaho to visit g'ma and g'pa. I was so worried how he would do in the car for 3+ hours but he slept the entire trip up and down. He was great!!!!
-We finally started feeding him solids. His first solid food was sweet potato and the first time he tried it he made the funniest face. We laughed so hard it made our stomachs hurt, he joined in and thought it was quite funny too.
-He only loves going to the movie theater if its an action movie- gets board and fussy if its a chick flick...typical boy!
-He loves to play on the play mat with all the farm animals. he laughs, squeals, babbles and tugs at the toys the entire time.
By 7 months...
-his bottom teeth came out!!! He was a little fussy but handled it better then i thought he would. We joke that this was Broderick's gift to Mike on his birthday since it was on Mike's b-day that his first tooth peeped through.
-We celebrated his first 4th of July at the Bee's baseball game. it was tons of fun, especially during the firework show. He was so amazed and excited with the show but i guess Mike and I were too. It probably has been the best firework show we have seen in a long time.
-He started rolling over from his front to his back and started to scoot a bit.
-he started reaching out his arms and giving the puppy face to get picked up. its so STINKIN CUTE!!!!!-Broderick could actually sit and listen, for the most part, when we read to him. its so weird. It looks almost like he can understand or at-least wants too. this entire month we read to him The Sneetches by Dr. Seuss- this is Mikes favorite of Dr. Seuss books.
-Broderick started mimicking us when we sing to him. we joke that he will be a musician of some sort when he grows up :)
By 8 months...
-He still doesn't crawl but is very mobile. he rolls around to get to where he wants to be. its so funny to watch. he tries with all of his might to crawl but gets tired after two scoots and starts rolling around.
-his upper teeth peeped through. I can't believe he has 4 teeth now. the upper teeth caused more drama coming out though. He was SOOOOO fussy even at night. Tylenol was the only remedy for these guys. I think there was one night where Mike and I got about 3 hours of sleep. It reminded me of the sleepless nights when we first had Broderick. Ugh!!!!
-He is into pinching! ouch!!!! he has even left a bruise on my arm. Its so funny to see how boys are boys and girls are girls even when they are this little. His cousin Ally is so gentle and sweet and Broderick is so rough and brutal when he plays.
-He went on his first LONG (12 hour) road trip to San-Diego. We had 2 babies on board which frightened the crap out of us but we had hope that making it to the beach would make up for whatever insanity the drive would cause. However, there was no need to fear. Our little angels did GREAT!!! They did get fussy from time to time but never really cried and slept for most of the drive. Both babies were a little under the weather when we arrived to San Diego but they were little troopers the whole time.
We have kinda fallen behind on his monthly updates so I hope to cover Broderick's last three months as concisely as possible with this post...

-our little monkey perfected his ability to sit. At 5 1/2 months he started out as a wiggle warm. He could hold himself up for a bit but would eventually topple over. By the time he turned 6 though, he got it down!
-he became more interactive and smiley with people. He was always curious as to what others around him were doing.
-He discovered a new game to play. if he was sitting on your lap with a toy in his hand he would drop it and start reaching for it. It was quite a work out for whoever was holding him since you had to carry him down so that he could pick up his toy. He then would smile and drop it again. He really could go on forever if it weren't for our sore arms :)
- He went on his first road trip. It was a short one up to Idaho to visit g'ma and g'pa. I was so worried how he would do in the car for 3+ hours but he slept the entire trip up and down. He was great!!!!
-We finally started feeding him solids. His first solid food was sweet potato and the first time he tried it he made the funniest face. We laughed so hard it made our stomachs hurt, he joined in and thought it was quite funny too.
-He only loves going to the movie theater if its an action movie- gets board and fussy if its a chick flick...typical boy!
-He loves to play on the play mat with all the farm animals. he laughs, squeals, babbles and tugs at the toys the entire time.

-his bottom teeth came out!!! He was a little fussy but handled it better then i thought he would. We joke that this was Broderick's gift to Mike on his birthday since it was on Mike's b-day that his first tooth peeped through.
-We celebrated his first 4th of July at the Bee's baseball game. it was tons of fun, especially during the firework show. He was so amazed and excited with the show but i guess Mike and I were too. It probably has been the best firework show we have seen in a long time.
-He started rolling over from his front to his back and started to scoot a bit.
-he started reaching out his arms and giving the puppy face to get picked up. its so STINKIN CUTE!!!!!-Broderick could actually sit and listen, for the most part, when we read to him. its so weird. It looks almost like he can understand or at-least wants too. this entire month we read to him The Sneetches by Dr. Seuss- this is Mikes favorite of Dr. Seuss books.
-Broderick started mimicking us when we sing to him. we joke that he will be a musician of some sort when he grows up :)

-He still doesn't crawl but is very mobile. he rolls around to get to where he wants to be. its so funny to watch. he tries with all of his might to crawl but gets tired after two scoots and starts rolling around.
-his upper teeth peeped through. I can't believe he has 4 teeth now. the upper teeth caused more drama coming out though. He was SOOOOO fussy even at night. Tylenol was the only remedy for these guys. I think there was one night where Mike and I got about 3 hours of sleep. It reminded me of the sleepless nights when we first had Broderick. Ugh!!!!
-He is into pinching! ouch!!!! he has even left a bruise on my arm. Its so funny to see how boys are boys and girls are girls even when they are this little. His cousin Ally is so gentle and sweet and Broderick is so rough and brutal when he plays.
-He went on his first LONG (12 hour) road trip to San-Diego. We had 2 babies on board which frightened the crap out of us but we had hope that making it to the beach would make up for whatever insanity the drive would cause. However, there was no need to fear. Our little angels did GREAT!!! They did get fussy from time to time but never really cried and slept for most of the drive. Both babies were a little under the weather when we arrived to San Diego but they were little troopers the whole time.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Scottish blunderings...
Mike and I are big fans of most late night talk shows. We love Conan and Craig the most . They are hands down hilarious and entertaining. Anyways, for Mike's birthday, i thought it was only appropriate to get him Craig Ferguson's book, American on Purpose. At night when Broderick was sleeping Mike and I would stay up to read his book. I really liked reading all of his crazy stories and it helped us see him in a different light and appreciate him more. Anyways, something that stuck with me was when he talked about having his first child and how your entire perspective on life changes when that occurs. He said "I think when you become a parent you go from being a star in the movie of your own life to a supporting player in the movie of someone else's." I find that so fascinatingly true. I realized this same concept on the 4th of July when Mike and I took Broderick to see fire works for his first time. We do this every year, but all the other years we've been together, just the two of us, we'd hold hands, cuddle and/or kiss throughout the firework show (: this time, however, our eyes were locked on Broderick's face. just looking at all of the different expressions he made and how excited he was. as i looked around, I saw that the couples with children were doing the exact same thing and couples without were doing what Mike and I use to do before. It just amazed me to realize how having children engulfs your every thought and changes you forever.
I also realized that, although i used to think that the fixation parents had for their children could strain the relationship between their significant other; it does the exact opposite. I love Mike more than ever because he adores Broderick and we are even closer now than we were before. of course, you feel strains every now and then because there is a third person that you are taking care of and looking out for but your love for your spouse grows deeper and the roots grow stronger. I am just so grateful for Broderick and the lessons and gifts he has already given us in the few months we have had him.
I also realized that, although i used to think that the fixation parents had for their children could strain the relationship between their significant other; it does the exact opposite. I love Mike more than ever because he adores Broderick and we are even closer now than we were before. of course, you feel strains every now and then because there is a third person that you are taking care of and looking out for but your love for your spouse grows deeper and the roots grow stronger. I am just so grateful for Broderick and the lessons and gifts he has already given us in the few months we have had him.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Unconditional Love
In case we have never mentioned it before, Patty and I use this blog as journal. The plan is to make a book for Broderick of all the posts that give updates on his new life. So, my purpose in writing this is that my little BB will read it when he is older.
Your mother has always had a fascination with unconditional love. She finds it so amazing that there are certain people in your life that no matter what you do will always love you. . . and you will always love them. I've never really understood this phenomenon as well as your mother; I guess you could say that my love for others has often been a little. . . conditional. But as I was laying in bed tonight I just had to get up and write down that on this day I realized that you have taught me what uncontrollable, unconditional love is. I was lying there hoping to fall asleep when I had the uncontrollable desire to kiss you softly (without waking you) on the top of the head. It doesn't matter what time of the day it is, I always have that urge. You could be so fussy and frustrating but at the same time I will want to hug and squeeze you. Thank you for teaching me this wonderful kind of love. It makes me wonder why I didn't want to be a dad sooner. I can tell that you and I will always be buddies and look forward to the times when we will do "guy" stuff together. I will always love you - after all, it was you who taught me to love so deeply.
Your dad,
Your mother has always had a fascination with unconditional love. She finds it so amazing that there are certain people in your life that no matter what you do will always love you. . . and you will always love them. I've never really understood this phenomenon as well as your mother; I guess you could say that my love for others has often been a little. . . conditional. But as I was laying in bed tonight I just had to get up and write down that on this day I realized that you have taught me what uncontrollable, unconditional love is. I was lying there hoping to fall asleep when I had the uncontrollable desire to kiss you softly (without waking you) on the top of the head. It doesn't matter what time of the day it is, I always have that urge. You could be so fussy and frustrating but at the same time I will want to hug and squeeze you. Thank you for teaching me this wonderful kind of love. It makes me wonder why I didn't want to be a dad sooner. I can tell that you and I will always be buddies and look forward to the times when we will do "guy" stuff together. I will always love you - after all, it was you who taught me to love so deeply.
Your dad,

Tuesday, May 25, 2010
The Big 5

yup, didn't think it would come so quickly but Broderick is 5 MONTHS!
Weight: 16lbs 12oz.-75%
Height: 27 in"- 95%
head circ: 16.5 in"- 40%
new this month:
-Broderick grabs his toes and plays with them ALL THE TIME!
-he LOVES, LOVES AND LOVES hearing himself. he babbles and squeals for attention
-he's a cat napper-short naps that don't go over 30 mins...ugh! At-least he sleeps through the night, right?!
-he enjoys the warm weather and lays out in the sun with mom and dad for as long as they let him.
-he wants to grab everything especially whatever mommy is eating or drinking-he's totally ready to start eating!
-he doesn't fit into almost any 3-6 month clothes :(...he's a CHUNK! lol
-he rolls over and tries with all his might to sit up. its the cutest thing :). Sadly though he fell off the bed for the first time do to his new found skill.
-he hides his sweet being in the pool for the very first time! he loved it so much i was afraid of pulling him out, thinking he was going to cry but surprisingly he behaved (:
Monday, May 10, 2010
Thursday, May 6, 2010
little guy's baby blessing
Broderick was blessed the second weekend of April. I was worried Broderick would be cranky but he was an angel. In fact, he almost fell asleep during the blessing. He looked so cute in the knitted outfit his Grandma Westover made for him. We are grateful for those who were able to come and share this special occasion with us.
Monday, April 26, 2010
4 months
This month is extra special because it was on this month last year that we got pregnant with Broderick! Gosh, it feels like yesterday and now our little guy is 4 months old!!!!
The biggest thing this month is that Broderick can giggle! He cracks up all the time. . . with Daddy. I heard it the other day for the first time while Mike was playing with him. Surprised, i turned to them and told Mike, "OH MY GOSH, that's his first giggle!!"
Mike replied, "Uhh, no its not; he does it all the time." then he mentioned something about not having working mammary glands and having to keep him happy by making him laugh. I couldn't believe that i spend the entire day with Broderick and I didn't even know he could laugh and Daddy comes along and makes him crack up so easily!
One other new thing about Broderick is that he is trying to sit up by himself. he just doesn't have the stomach muscles to do so. I can tell that soon he will be able to roll over. . .then we know crawling is much further; Mike can't wait but I sure can (:
p.s.- don't be fooled by the first pic-that Binky was in his mouth for no more than a few seconds. the stinker still wont take it!
The biggest thing this month is that Broderick can giggle! He cracks up all the time. . . with Daddy. I heard it the other day for the first time while Mike was playing with him. Surprised, i turned to them and told Mike, "OH MY GOSH, that's his first giggle!!"
Mike replied, "Uhh, no its not; he does it all the time." then he mentioned something about not having working mammary glands and having to keep him happy by making him laugh. I couldn't believe that i spend the entire day with Broderick and I didn't even know he could laugh and Daddy comes along and makes him crack up so easily!
One other new thing about Broderick is that he is trying to sit up by himself. he just doesn't have the stomach muscles to do so. I can tell that soon he will be able to roll over. . .then we know crawling is much further; Mike can't wait but I sure can (:
p.s.- don't be fooled by the first pic-that Binky was in his mouth for no more than a few seconds. the stinker still wont take it!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Broderick's Tres Mesesitos
Broderick's 3rd month has come and gone and now he's almost 4 months so i thought I'd do a quick recap of some of the highlights during his 3 months in this world while i can still remember!
at 3 months Broderick....
- went on his first strole with mom and dad around the neighborhood lake. he cried a little, had a little sunshine and slept most of the time. it was so nice to finally be able to take him out without worrying that it was too cold for him.
-was introduced to the "baby Bjorn". Broderick is such a curious george! he needs to see EVERYTHING so whenever we are out and he's awake he will cry if he is in the stroller because he cant see. the minute i pull him out, he is suddenly happy. now that i have the baby bjorn my hands aren't tied up holding him any more. Can i just say, i LOVE it and I'm so glad we got it!
-has started trying to grab things with his hands. he can't quite get a grip on things yet but he reaches out for them constantly. he punches his dangling toys a lot -maybe he'll grow up to be a boxer some day...nah, i wont allow it (:
-has started being more aware of his surroundings. he especially notices other babies and smiles at them and gets really wiggly when they are placed in front of him. Its so cute and interesting to watch his facial expressions. he also loves looking at Bailey (our pup) and is mesmerized with his car seat toys.
-still needs to sleep so much but isn't a deep sleeper. he wakes up to any little sound. its kinda funny yet sad to watch him wake up when he gets startled by a sound. he freaks out, throws his arms up in the air and shakes, opens his eyes and starts wailing. the little stinker sure lets you have it if he is woken up though. if he doesn't get a good nap he is cranky for the entire time until he falls asleep again.
-went to his very late 2nd month check up with his pediatrician where we got some info on his growth stats. he's grown plenty from the time he was born. in his first visit, he was in the 25th percentile in length, weight and head circumference but this time around he was in the 75 percentile in weight weighing 14LBS and 4oz, 65th percentile in length measuring 24 1/2 inches and 40th percentile in head circumference but i don't remember the exact measurement for that one).
-doesn't mind anymore when bath time is over and he gets pulled out to get dried and clothed...THANK GOODNESS!!!
-Colics are long gone and past us...HURRAY!!!!
i think that about covers most are a few pics...
at 3 months Broderick....
- went on his first strole with mom and dad around the neighborhood lake. he cried a little, had a little sunshine and slept most of the time. it was so nice to finally be able to take him out without worrying that it was too cold for him.
-was introduced to the "baby Bjorn". Broderick is such a curious george! he needs to see EVERYTHING so whenever we are out and he's awake he will cry if he is in the stroller because he cant see. the minute i pull him out, he is suddenly happy. now that i have the baby bjorn my hands aren't tied up holding him any more. Can i just say, i LOVE it and I'm so glad we got it!
-has started trying to grab things with his hands. he can't quite get a grip on things yet but he reaches out for them constantly. he punches his dangling toys a lot -maybe he'll grow up to be a boxer some day...nah, i wont allow it (:
-has started being more aware of his surroundings. he especially notices other babies and smiles at them and gets really wiggly when they are placed in front of him. Its so cute and interesting to watch his facial expressions. he also loves looking at Bailey (our pup) and is mesmerized with his car seat toys.
-still needs to sleep so much but isn't a deep sleeper. he wakes up to any little sound. its kinda funny yet sad to watch him wake up when he gets startled by a sound. he freaks out, throws his arms up in the air and shakes, opens his eyes and starts wailing. the little stinker sure lets you have it if he is woken up though. if he doesn't get a good nap he is cranky for the entire time until he falls asleep again.
-went to his very late 2nd month check up with his pediatrician where we got some info on his growth stats. he's grown plenty from the time he was born. in his first visit, he was in the 25th percentile in length, weight and head circumference but this time around he was in the 75 percentile in weight weighing 14LBS and 4oz, 65th percentile in length measuring 24 1/2 inches and 40th percentile in head circumference but i don't remember the exact measurement for that one).
-doesn't mind anymore when bath time is over and he gets pulled out to get dried and clothed...THANK GOODNESS!!!
-Colics are long gone and past us...HURRAY!!!!
i think that about covers most are a few pics...

Friday, March 12, 2010
We got Broderick's pics!!!!

We took Broderick in to have his pics taken when he was 7 weeks. We would have gone in earlier but Sheri, his photographer, was recovering from surgery. I could have taken him somewhere else but I was set on having her take his pics since i LOVE her work and how affordable it is! She really does amazing work! no one would ever guess that Broderick was fussy the entire time during the shoot. Sheri was very patient and helpful at soothing him and taking pics in split seconds before Broderick would start up again. whats funny about all this is that the minute the session was over and Mike handed her the check, Broderick fell right to sleep...isnt that how it always goes. Baby's sure let you know who's in charge:)
(if you're thinking about getting pics taken for you or your little ones, I highly recommend her. here is her website if you want to take a look at her work: go to and then click on her blog)
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Broderick's 2nd Month

i cant believe my little guy is 2 months! he has grown and changed so much. he weighs about 13lbs and is getting the cutest little roles on his little arms and legs. this month has been filled with surprises from Broderick. i think the best surprise was that he started actually smiling on V-Day. his smile melts my heart to this day, i do anything to get one!
another not so great surprise are the several accidents he has had when he goes #2 this month. wow, nobody prepares you for that at all! he has had massive explosions where "it" actually has seeped through his pants and landed on the floor. and there have been 2 occasions where during the middle of a diaper change, he has had a massive discharge that has landed, not only on me, but on EVERYTHING! i thought i had to worry about #1 with little boys but with Broderick it has solely been #2 lol.
In regards to feeding sessions with Broderick, he's been pretty good getting gasses out on his own but he spits up a lot now and sometimes in large quantities. it kinda freaks me out cause it looks as if he throws up EVERYTHING he ate.
Broderick LOVES bath time. . . finally! he could be in there for hours if i would let him. he smiles and splashes around and just thoroughly enjoys every second. now the problem is getting him out. he cries inconsolably for a little more splashing time. i promise him every night that he will get another bath the next day (i wish he understood ).
i thought his colic times where over with since he had about 1 good week but i was wrong. He is still randomly colicky :-( . poor little guy. most days are good but when he is having a bad day, it is BAD! he definitely keeps mike and i on our toes. and i guess ill have to watch what i eat for another month or so to help him out with that.
i've been reading alot to him this month. we've read most of the poems from "where the side walk ends" and have read "Love You Forever", "The tale of Benjamin Bunny" and "The Tale of Peter Rabbit". "love you forever" though is my favorite to read to Broderick. i cant help but get teary eyed every time i read it and look at him. i'm amazed at the immense love i have for the little guy.
Something new this month as well is i got Broderick a mobile for his crib and he absolutely LOVES it. no matter how long i put him in the crib, if the mobile is turning and playing music he is happy. he smiles and i swear he tries really hard to giggle.
We got his first professional baby pics. i haven't received them yet but i am super excited to see how they turned out!
After all of that....i believe i covered all the highlights for this month! sorry if i made you dizzy, :-)

Friday, February 26, 2010
Broderick vs. "the Binky"
I have the opposite problem that most moms have with pacifiers. My problem with Broderick isn't that he wants and needs the pacifier all the time but that he won't ever take it and instead, he uses me as a human pacifier and his only form of consolation lol. I've tried all types of pacifiers with no luck. If I could just get this down i would be able to accomplish so much more during the day. Watch this video to see my poor attempts at trying to get him to take the pacifier.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
The BEST valentines day gift :)
Broderick surprised mike and me with the best valentines day gift we could ever ask for! he smiled for REAL for the first time today, (mind you, he is only a little over 6 wks old). he woke up with a huge grin on his face and as much as it melted my heart i assumed it was just a reflex. throughout the day though, he's been smiling back every time mike and I smile and talk to him. what a sweet little gift from our little guy. I get teary eyed every time he surprises me with another one.
of course we tried to capture his cute smile with our camera but haven't been totally successful. here's what we did capture...

Friday, February 5, 2010
Broderick's 1st month update
Our first month with Broderick flew by so quickly; and I have to say he has been wonderful to take care of. although a little colicky at first, our smart little guy has learned quickly to release his burps and gases on his own to avoid tummy aches which is such a relief for all involved in the feeding and burping process. lol
He's sleeping through the night which makes all the difference in the world with how i go about my day. i actually have energy and can function properly and poor mike can actually concentrate during school and work without yawning.
he has gained over 3lbs since birth which is crazy to believe. since I'm with him every day i don't really notice how much he's growing so I'm only aware of it when i have to put away another outfit that no longer fits him...sad:(.
he's still deciding if he likes bath time. i know...weird? i was told that all babies love bath time but the first time i bathed him he screamed, not cried but SCREAMED the entire time. i was so confused and stunned that i had to ask the doc if there was something wrong with him. he, of course, laughed and said not to worry about it and to give him a bath every other day until he decides that he likes bath time. Up until now, we are still awaiting the verdict. so far though, Broderick would like to go without bath time lol.
Here's some helpful info for all future parents of baby boys that I wish I would have been told about circumcision. First of all, circumcision is not the simple procedure you might think it would be - Mike is very traumatized, to say the least. Second, if you are going to circumcise, do it the first two days after birth. The doctor said that if done early there is little to no blood versus a lot of blood that almost made Mike faint when we had Broderick done on his twelfth day (Funny, the nurses had to bring him a juice box since he didn't have breakfast before - that should be tip number 3, HAVE breakfast). Fourth, unless you are the very curious type, do not - i repeat, DO NOT - witness the procedure if you don't have to. Like i stated before it's not the simple "pull and slice" we thought it was. Our recommendation is, wait in the other room and in a little while they will bring him back to you calm.
Here are some more pics of Broderick's first month:
He's sleeping through the night which makes all the difference in the world with how i go about my day. i actually have energy and can function properly and poor mike can actually concentrate during school and work without yawning.
he has gained over 3lbs since birth which is crazy to believe. since I'm with him every day i don't really notice how much he's growing so I'm only aware of it when i have to put away another outfit that no longer fits him...sad:(.
he's still deciding if he likes bath time. i know...weird? i was told that all babies love bath time but the first time i bathed him he screamed, not cried but SCREAMED the entire time. i was so confused and stunned that i had to ask the doc if there was something wrong with him. he, of course, laughed and said not to worry about it and to give him a bath every other day until he decides that he likes bath time. Up until now, we are still awaiting the verdict. so far though, Broderick would like to go without bath time lol.
Here's some helpful info for all future parents of baby boys that I wish I would have been told about circumcision. First of all, circumcision is not the simple procedure you might think it would be - Mike is very traumatized, to say the least. Second, if you are going to circumcise, do it the first two days after birth. The doctor said that if done early there is little to no blood versus a lot of blood that almost made Mike faint when we had Broderick done on his twelfth day (Funny, the nurses had to bring him a juice box since he didn't have breakfast before - that should be tip number 3, HAVE breakfast). Fourth, unless you are the very curious type, do not - i repeat, DO NOT - witness the procedure if you don't have to. Like i stated before it's not the simple "pull and slice" we thought it was. Our recommendation is, wait in the other room and in a little while they will bring him back to you calm.
Here are some more pics of Broderick's first month:

Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Monday, January 4, 2010
Broderick Michael Westover is finally here!!!
Broderick was born December 31st at 11:30 pm (6 lbs 14 oz). it was the longest and most painful thing I have ever experienced. I was in labor for about 36 hours so by the time I was fully dilated I felt EVERYTHING because the epidural had worn off. I have to say the easiest part of labor was when I had to push. I know that sounds weird but it kept me distracted from the horrible contractions. on the bright side we will be getting a tax break that we hadn't been counting on and we get to enjoy our little guy sooner than we had expected. We LOVE him so much and can't imagine our lives without him. he truly makes up for everything I went through.

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