Boy did i think our photo session would go smoother...what was i thinking??? It was almost impossible to get a six year old, a toddler, 2 babies and three crazy dogs to simultaneously look at the camera to take a picture. After giving the babies a sucker, pulling out millions of toys and taking hundreds of shots, this is the best we got. Just one smile but at least they are all looking straight ahead right?!
They were trooper though :)
I love it! Yeah it was crazy but worth it. we got some cute ones! It was a great idea!
Que hermosa foto, solo falta Gabriel Alejandro. Que pesar que vivamos tan lejos de otro modo seria super!!!Los queremos mucho y pronto se conoceran. Besos y abrazos a todos. ¡¡¡FELIZ NAVIDAD UN PROSPERO ANO NUEVO!!!
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