Your mother has always had a fascination with unconditional love. She finds it so amazing that there are certain people in your life that no matter what you do will always love you. . . and you will always love them. I've never really understood this phenomenon as well as your mother; I guess you could say that my love for others has often been a little. . . conditional. But as I was laying in bed tonight I just had to get up and write down that on this day I realized that you have taught me what uncontrollable, unconditional love is. I was lying there hoping to fall asleep when I had the uncontrollable desire to kiss you softly (without waking you) on the top of the head. It doesn't matter what time of the day it is, I always have that urge. You could be so fussy and frustrating but at the same time I will want to hug and squeeze you. Thank you for teaching me this wonderful kind of love. It makes me wonder why I didn't want to be a dad sooner. I can tell that you and I will always be buddies and look forward to the times when we will do "guy" stuff together. I will always love you - after all, it was you who taught me to love so deeply.
Your dad,

I don't know when you wrote this but what a sweet post for our little guy to read someday. you made me get teary eyed. I love you soooo much! thanks for being such a great daddy and loving our monkey so unconditionally.
I must say.... I cried reading this post! It's so true! It's amazing the things we learn when we become parents.
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