He's sleeping through the night which makes all the difference in the world with how i go about my day. i actually have energy and can function properly and poor mike can actually concentrate during school and work without yawning.
he has gained over 3lbs since birth which is crazy to believe. since I'm with him every day i don't really notice how much he's growing so I'm only aware of it when i have to put away another outfit that no longer fits him...sad:(.
he's still deciding if he likes bath time. i know...weird? i was told that all babies love bath time but the first time i bathed him he screamed, not cried but SCREAMED the entire time. i was so confused and stunned that i had to ask the doc if there was something wrong with him. he, of course, laughed and said not to worry about it and to give him a bath every other day until he decides that he likes bath time. Up until now, we are still awaiting the verdict. so far though, Broderick would like to go without bath time lol.
Here's some helpful info for all future parents of baby boys that I wish I would have been told about circumcision. First of all, circumcision is not the simple procedure you might think it would be - Mike is very traumatized, to say the least. Second, if you are going to circumcise, do it the first two days after birth. The doctor said that if done early there is little to no blood versus a lot of blood that almost made Mike faint when we had Broderick done on his twelfth day (Funny, the nurses had to bring him a juice box since he didn't have breakfast before - that should be tip number 3, HAVE breakfast). Fourth, unless you are the very curious type, do not - i repeat, DO NOT - witness the procedure if you don't have to. Like i stated before it's not the simple "pull and slice" we thought it was. Our recommendation is, wait in the other room and in a little while they will bring him back to you calm.
Here are some more pics of Broderick's first month:

I love our little Broderick- he is soooo darn cute! I love his big blue eyes and chubby cheeks and the way he flares his little nostrils when he's concentrating- (to die for). I'm so proud of you guys, your doing such a great job as new parents! then again- I knew you would! Can't wait to see him and Ally play together! :)
You are SO lucky he is a good sleeper. Take advantage of it just in case it changes down the road (which for your sake I hope it doesn't!). It's kind of sad when those first little clothes start getting tight huh? He is so darling! I'm sure you two are the best parents ever.
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