Broderick's 3rd month has come and gone and now he's almost 4 months so i thought I'd do a quick recap of some of the highlights during his 3 months in this world while i can still remember!
at 3 months Broderick....
- went on his first strole with mom and dad around the neighborhood lake. he cried a little, had a little sunshine and slept most of the time. it was so nice to finally be able to take him out without worrying that it was too cold for him.
-was introduced to the "baby Bjorn". Broderick is such a curious george! he needs to see EVERYTHING so whenever we are out and he's awake he will cry if he is in the stroller because he cant see. the minute i pull him out, he is suddenly happy. now that i have the baby bjorn my hands aren't tied up holding him any more. Can i just say, i LOVE it and I'm so glad we got it!
-has started trying to grab things with his hands. he can't quite get a grip on things yet but he reaches out for them constantly. he punches his dangling toys a lot -maybe he'll grow up to be a boxer some day...nah, i wont allow it (:
-has started being more aware of his surroundings. he especially notices other babies and smiles at them and gets really wiggly when they are placed in front of him. Its so cute and interesting to watch his facial expressions. he also loves looking at Bailey (our pup) and is mesmerized with his car seat toys.
-still needs to sleep so much but isn't a deep sleeper. he wakes up to any little sound. its kinda funny yet sad to watch him wake up when he gets startled by a sound. he freaks out, throws his arms up in the air and shakes, opens his eyes and starts wailing. the little stinker sure lets you have it if he is woken up though. if he doesn't get a good nap he is cranky for the entire time until he falls asleep again.
-went to his very late 2nd month check up with his pediatrician where we got some info on his growth stats. he's grown plenty from the time he was born. in his first visit, he was in the 25th percentile in length, weight and head circumference but this time around he was in the 75 percentile in weight weighing 14LBS and 4oz, 65th percentile in length measuring 24 1/2 inches and 40th percentile in head circumference but i don't remember the exact measurement for that one).
-doesn't mind anymore when bath time is over and he gets pulled out to get dried and clothed...THANK GOODNESS!!!
-Colics are long gone and past us...HURRAY!!!!
i think that about covers most are a few pics...